Legend (2015)

Fair at best.  First off I want to welcome @AlexandraWhite to the world of followers. Thanks for checking me out girl and please drop me some recommendations at either www.themobilemovieman@gmail.com or at https://twitter.com/Mobilemovieman Now my recommendations on this movie were a mixed bag, Pipe from the borough though it was good, Mr.Matt not so good and a few others were on both sides of the fence. I was going to see this movie eventually no matter what because the Mobile Movie Man is a Tom Hardy guy. He is exceptionally talented and he does an excellent job playing two very distinctly different roles and he was very believable. Now that being said the movie is not compelling at all. They focus too much on the love story and not enough on how they achieved their power, wealth, and control of the London criminal underworld. There are a few good action scenes that are pretty graphic, but then they resort back to the love story and serves no purpose than to appease the broads out there. Outside of Hardy’s performance there is no other reason to watch this movie. This is just a typical overly cliche gangster romance movie.  On a side note…if you are adamant about seeing this movie there is an option to watch it with subtitles. I would recommend using that because there are parts where the accent is on so thick you will have a hard time understanding what the hell they are saying.